Title: “Master Conservation Plan For The Archaeological Site of Stobi, R. of North Macedonia| 2021”
Editors: Silvana Blazhevska, Angela Pencheva, John Stewart, Ivan Vasilev
Proofreader of English Text: Barbara Remedios
Proofreader of Macedonian Text: Jasmina Gjorgieva
Graphic design: Diana Krandeva, Lina Petrova, Marieta Vasileva
Photos: Photographs used in the document belong to the archive of the National Institution Stobi
Date: April, 2022
Formats: E-book/ Paperback
ISBN: 978-619-90783-6-5/ 978-619-90783-5-8
Edition: First
Length: 218 pages
Language: English
Publisher: Balkan Heritage Foundation
Place: Skopje/ Sofia
       Paperback – Free copy upon request
       E-book – Free Download

“Master Conservation Plan for the Archaeological Site of Stobi” is a strategic document aimed at providing guidance and recommendations for better protection and presentation of the diverse cultural heritage of the site, as well as guidelines for its sustainable development by improving the management and fundraising capacities of NI Stobi. The development of the plan was funded by the J.M.Kaplan Fund (USA) and involved numerous experts from North Macedonia, Bulgaria, UK, Italy, the USA, Greece and Canada. It is the first document of its kind in the Republic of North Macedonia and an excellent basis for creating similar plans for other archaeological sites in the country and the wider region.