
Balkan Heritage Foundation and Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists Start Co-Publishing E-Book Series

"Balkan Heritage Studies" e-book series continue as a co-publishing enterprise of the Balkan Heritage Foundation and Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists. (October 10,2018)

Supporting Balkan Heritage Through Chocolate

The Roman Theater of Plovdiv made out of Belgian chocolate raised 2672 BGN for the conservation of Early Byzantine and Roman artefacts found at BHFS sites.

Balkan Heritage Field School Receives ‘Special Mention’ at Europa Nostra Awards

On may 23, 2018 the Balkan Heritage Field School received a Special Mention at the Europa Nostra Awards for extensive contribution to education in archaeology and conservation through multinational collaboration.
Dr Angela Pencheva

Balkan Heritage Foundation Celebrates 10th Anniversary

On April 28, 2018 the Balkan Heritage Foundation celebrated its 10 year anniversary in Sofia, Bulgaria with friends and colleagues from around the globe.
Balkan Heritage E-book

The First BHF E-Book of the Series “Balkan Heritage Studies” Presented in Sofia, Bulgaria

The first e-Book of the series "Balkan Heritage Studies" dedicated to St. Theodore Tyro Church in Zimevitsa, Bulgaria was presented at the National Ethnographic Museum in Sofia, Bulgaria.(January 11,2018)

BHF Director Elected to International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics (ICCM) Board

Dr Angela Pencheva was elected as a member and Secretary of the new ICCM Board, which is going to run the ICCM Foundation for the next three years.(October 15-20,2017)

Balkan Heritage Foundation welcomes Fulbright Scholars for 2017/2018

Balkan Heritage Foundation welcomes Matthew Schuller and Ashlee Heart, our new Fulbright scholars!
excavations in Varna Bulgaria

New Fulbright Research Award for 2018/2019

The Bulgarian-American Fulbright Commission, in partnership with Balkan Heritage Foundation, announced a new study/research award in Archaeology/History for the 2018/2019 academic year.
archaeology field school oppurtunities

The Balkan Heritage Foundation-Institute Field Research Scholarships for Season 2017

The Balkan Heritage Foundation and the Institute for Field Research (IFR), USA, will award two merit-based scholarships, 1,200 USD each, for students participating in the BHF-IFR Program for the Balkans.