The Balkan Heritage Foundation and the Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists START CO-PUBLISHING E-BOOK SERIES
The Balkan Heritage Foundation will continue their “Balkan Heritage Studies” e-book series in cooperation with the Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists (ABA for short). The first e-book of the series was presented at the beginning of 2018 together with its author Dr. Angel Angelov. On October 10th, BHF and ABA signed a contract to continue the series as BHF will continue publishing scientific writings about Balkan archaeology, conservation, renovation, and curatorship, with ABA providing scientific peer-review and distribution. The publications will be in the form of electronic monographs, research studies, reports, albums, catalogues and collections. All of them will be free for the public, and available online in English or bilingual (English and any other language). The new issues will reflect on the results of research and conservation projects supported or conducted by the BHF, scientific publications of BHF partners, and other important research concerning the heritage of Southeastern Europe.
The Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists, established in 2008, contains more than 200 members today, all of them Bulgarian archaeologists working in different institutions, including the Bulgarian Academy of Science, and other museums and universities around the country. The organization promotes the discovery, research, conservation and popularization of Bulgarian archaeological heritage as part of the global heritage and is the publisher of peer-reviewed Bulgarian E-Journal for Archaeology – BEJA.