Program for Investigation and Conservation of the Alexandrovo Tomb
In September 2020 the Balkan Heritage Foundation signed a partnership agreement for a 5-year program for study, preservation and communication of the Alexandrovo tomb with the National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Haskovo Regional Museum of History and Sofia University’s Faculty of History.

Master Conservation Plan of Stobi, North Macedonia
The Balkan Heritage Foundation designed a Master Conservation Plan for the archaeological site of Stobi in close collaboration with the National Institution Stobi and a team of specialists from Queen’s University, Canada.

A New Look for the Boyana Church
The new project of the Balkan Heritage Foundation and the National History Museum envisions a new digital look for the Boyana church in Sofia, Bulgaria - a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979.

Immersive Storytelling – New Technologies in Cultural Heritage
Immersium.eu - a new platform for promotion and dissemination of cultural heritage using new technologies

Mosaic Week in Plovdiv 2021
Mosaic Week in Plovdiv 2021 is a project of the Balkan Heritage Foundation, supported by the Municipality of Plovdiv, Bulgaria and included in the Cultural Calendar of the city for 2021.

Investigating the Medieval Church “Sveti Nikola”
The Balkan Heritage Foundation carried out a non-destructive investigation of the medieval church "Sveti Nikola" in Kalotina, Bulgaria