Immersium Heritage Field School at Viminacium, Serbia
Partners: Association Center for Social Innovations BLINK 42-21 Skopie and National Institution for Management of the Archaeological Site of Stobi, North Macedonia and the Balkan Heritage Foundation, Bulgaria and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Period of the Project: 2021-2022
Funded by: European Commission and National Fund for Culture in Bulgaria. The project partners received a total of 395.183 EUR funding from the Creative Europe program and another 5835 BGN secured by the Balkan Heritage Foundation through the National Fund for Culture in Bulgaria.
Find the project online at, Facebook and Instagram pages.
Balkan Heritage Foundation
Phone: + 359 898 681 366
Address: 7 Tulovo, 4th Floor, Apt.6, 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
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