The First BHF E-Book of the Series “Balkan Heritage Studies” Presented in Sofia, Bulgaria (January 11,2018)
On 11.01.2018 the Balkan Heritage Foundation, and Dr. Angel Angelov (the author) presented the BHF e-book dedicated to the late medieval church St. Theodore Tyro in Zimevitsa, Bulgaria at the National Ethnographic Museum, Sofia, Bulgaria. The church is the oldest preserved building in the village. The date of its construction is not known, but its architectural features and the analysis of the preserved original painting justify its construction to be dated to the end of the 16th century – the first half of the 17th century. Over the years, the church went through a number of reconstructions and restoration interventions, resulting in its current appearance. In the period 2010-2016, full graphic and photograph recording of the interior and the exterior of the church was carried out as a result of the project ‘Fresco-Hunting” Photo Research Expedition to Medieval Balkan Churches by the Balkan Heritage Foundation. Dr. Angelov, who is a Bulgarian scholar of late medieval ecclesiastic architecture and arts took part in the Expedition back in 2011. This book is based on collected documentation and is the first of the series: “Balkan Heritage Studies”, which aims to summarize the results of the scientific projects realized or supported by the Balkan Heritage Foundation, Bulgaria. The book was released in late 2017. It is in Bulgarian only but the BHF aims to fund-raise to translate and publish the e-book in English.
Download the book for free here.
Copyright belongs to the Balkan Heritage Foundation, Bulgaria