The Fate of a Roman Road Station after Antiquity
In the BEMA Online Seminar on December 04, 2021 Balkan Heritage Field School instructor Alexander Manev will present the results from the excavations of the Roman Road Station Bona Mansio in North-Western Thrace, situated on the main road Via Diagonalis.

Decolonizing the Study of Material Culture in the Hellenistic Far East
In the BEMA Online Seminar on November 06, 2021 Dr. Richard Wenghofer (Nipissing University, Canada) will talk about interpretations of the material culture in the Hellenistic Far East and more specifically the kingdoms of Bactria, the Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian kingdoms.

Mosaic Week Plovdiv 2021 Opening
The Balkan Heritage Foundation held the official opening of the Mosaic Week in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on October 04, 2021 at the Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis.

Presentation of the Master Conservation Plan for the Archaeological Site of Stobi
On September 30, 2021 the Balkan Heritage Foundation and the National Institution Stobi presented before public officials and ambassadors in R. of N. Macedonia the Master Conservation Plan created thanks to the grant from the J.M. Kaplan Fund.

Mosaic Week Plovdiv 2021
The Balkan Heritage Foundation invites you to the opening of the Mosaic Week in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on October 04, 2021 at the Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis.

Immersive Storytelling – BHF Team Study Visit in Ljubljana
Immersium.eu - a new platform for promotion and dissemination of cultural heritage using new technologies. The Balkan Heritage team made a third study visit, part of the project, this time in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Тhe Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine’s, Sinai
In the BEMA Online Seminar on October 2, 2021 Dr. Nikolas Sarris will talk about the archaeology of bookbinding and one of the largest collections of early and undisturbed book bindings on manuscripts at the library in St. Catherine's monastery (established in the 6th century) in Sinai.

Call for Volunteers for excavations of the Medieval Church in Balsha
The Balkan Heritage Foundation is looking for volunteers to participate in the excavations of a medieval church in Balsha village, near Sofia, Bulgaria.

New Partnership with the American University in Bulgaria
The Balkan Heritage Foundation announces a new partnership with the American University in Bulgaria.